Poetry By Dead Men

In “full confession” mode, I’m here to tell you I have nothing new to offer. I have not made a single image since the Before Times. That’s more than three years without loading the camera, finding the scenes, composing the image, and tripping the shutter. It is a dissatisfying mental place to be, but I just haven’t wanted to create any images.

So from this melancholic zone, I’m reaching into my box of treasures to offer you some images from those whose work has inspired me, and from whom we will be seeing no new images. I’ll try to have some new images for y’all next time around. Continue reading

Submission 2014

I wanted to dedicate my submission this year to David Lee, who was a great master of medium format 3d and who I was lucky enough to meet.  His work has been an inspiration to me.

  1. Busan Igidae park, this was a beautiful park, this picture was taken on a windy day with the waves crashing in the foreground, and the Busan skyline, and bridge in the background. This was shot with the tl120 at f/11 1/250.
  2. Gyeogju, this is a hyperstereo with 50 foot separation Fuji gf670w fuji velvia.
  3. San Francisco. I took this picture in San Francisco, please excuse, the ship motion artifacts between the two shots. Fuji gf670w 60 foot separation.  David Lee met me and drove me up to the viewpoint for this shot.
  4. Gyeongju temple:  This is a wooden bell in the temple on one of the excursions of ISU Korea 2015.

Thank you for allowing me to share my work.  I have enjoyed yours on this round

Nik Sekhar

Yosemite Fall

Scan000076Yosemite Fall is one of the most popular and well-recognized sights in Yosemite Valley. The image was made from near the Sentinel Bridge. The cameras were 2 Bronica SQAs with 80 mm lenses (normal focal length). I had them on tripods about 15 yards apart. The shutters were synchronized by my tossing a rock in the air and when it hit the ground I and a friend at the other camera released the shutters at the same instant.

Water-Eroded Granite

Scan000077The location of this image was along Illilouette Creek which is southeast of Yosemite Valley. I was on a several day backpacking trip in the summer of 2009 at the time. There is granite everywhere in Yosemite. Wherever water is running it carves and polishes the granite over hundreds of thousands of years. This image was made with the TL-120 stereo camera.

Base of Cascade Fall

Scan000078This image was made in 2008. Cascade Fall is just outside of Yosemite Valley. You can see it from Highway 140 as you are driving in to the valley. To make the image I used 2 Bronica SQA cameras with 50mm lenses (wide angle). The cameras were 4 inches apart on a tripod. I can’t remember the exact exposure time, but it was around 10 seconds.

David Lee, August 2011

I have taken the liberty of scanning David’s slides so we’ll have something to jog our memories as we leave comments. Any errors in scanning are certainly mine and not David’s.

–John Thurston

David Lee

  • Oak Tree
    Cameras – A pair of Bronica SQA’s, 150mm lenses
    Separation – 2 feet.
    Film – Fuji Provia 100F
    The image was made in Del Puerto Canyon between Patterson and San Jose, CA.
  • Trees in Water
    Camera – 3D World TL-120
    Film – Fuji Astia
    The image was made in the Joe Domecq Wilderness Area off Highway 132 near LaGrange, CA.
  • Porch Windows
    Camera – 3D World TL-120
    Film – Fuji Provia 100F
    The image was made in Bodie, CA, the largest ghost town in the United States. This is the Conway House.
  • Two Boys
    Camera – 3D World TL-120
    Film – Fuji Provia 400X
    The image was made at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, CA.