Yosemite Fall

Scan000076Yosemite Fall is one of the most popular and well-recognized sights in Yosemite Valley. The image was made from near the Sentinel Bridge. The cameras were 2 Bronica SQAs with 80 mm lenses (normal focal length). I had them on tripods about 15 yards apart. The shutters were synchronized by my tossing a rock in the air and when it hit the ground I and a friend at the other camera released the shutters at the same instant.

Base of Cascade Fall

Scan000078This image was made in 2008. Cascade Fall is just outside of Yosemite Valley. You can see it from Highway 140 as you are driving in to the valley. To make the image I used 2 Bronica SQA cameras with 50mm lenses (wide angle). The cameras were 4 inches apart on a tripod. I can’t remember the exact exposure time, but it was around 10 seconds.