Poetry By Dead Men

In “full confession” mode, I’m here to tell you I have nothing new to offer. I have not made a single image since the Before Times. That’s more than three years without loading the camera, finding the scenes, composing the image, and tripping the shutter. It is a dissatisfying mental place to be, but I just haven’t wanted to create any images.

So from this melancholic zone, I’m reaching into my box of treasures to offer you some images from those whose work has inspired me, and from whom we will be seeing no new images. I’ll try to have some new images for y’all next time around. Continue reading

Emerald City Angels – 2016

Seattle Skyline with Blue Angels

Hyper view of downtown Seattle from Alki, with the Blue Angels overhead

This is a hyper view of downtown Seattle from Alki in West Seattle. The Blue Angels were performing as part of the SeaFair Celebration. I haven’t recorded the camera base but it wasn’t excessive — the cameras were wired together and I couldn’t risk having someone trip over one of them! The cartoon-y tourist boat in the foreground was a bonus.

I must have been trying to squeeze out some extra sharpness by setting a hyperlocal distance instead of just CRANKING the lenses to infinity. Lesson learned.