Three Sisters – Australia

This is an area not far from Sydney Australia. When I visited Australia in 2002 the only medium format cameras I owned were two Sputniks. I shot a number of successful hypers with the two cameras, covering one lens on each and advancing the film one exposure at a time. I think I had the two cameras four feet apart on separate tripods here. Velvia 100F.

Submission 2014

Thanks for allowing me to share my images.  I’ve enjoyed your beautiful work

  1. San Francisco 2013 Fuji gf670w  Ektachrome e 100g  20 foot separation
  2. NYC 2013 Fuji gf670w  Ektachrome e 100g  30 foot separation
  3. National Railroad Museum Rusted old Dodge.  EFKE 25 processed by DR5  TL120
  4. National Railroad Museum Steam Engine  EFKE 25 processed by DR5  TL120

I was inspired by David Lee’s great hyperstereos to try shooting some of my own.  My first attempt was from the Mark hotel in San Francisco, My second from a rooftop bar in NYC.

The others are EFKE 25 DR5 transparencies shot at the National Railroad Museum in Wisconsin.  We just had a 3rd boy and moved to Long Island.  I also started a new job, so we’ve been busy.  I wouldve liked to attend the NSA this year, but maybe some time soon.  If any of you are in NYC drop me a line, perhaps we can meet for some mf3d or other photography

Thank you,

Nik Sekhar

Yosemite Fall

Scan000076Yosemite Fall is one of the most popular and well-recognized sights in Yosemite Valley. The image was made from near the Sentinel Bridge. The cameras were 2 Bronica SQAs with 80 mm lenses (normal focal length). I had them on tripods about 15 yards apart. The shutters were synchronized by my tossing a rock in the air and when it hit the ground I and a friend at the other camera released the shutters at the same instant.