F32 and BEES There #2

Bees on a dahlia

F32 and BEES There #2

Yes, I know these images are starting to seem repetitive but I took ’em, and you’re gonna look at em’! Hopefully by the next time I see a folio I’ll have new flowers and some different looks.

Boris in one of his comments on Folio A asked for more detail on the Macrobox, which is given here:

The Macrobox is based on a contraption I purchased years ago from John Hart of Colorado. It was designed to hold 2 cameras at 90 degrees to each other, and both cameras were aimed at a 50/50 mirror (aka a beamsplitter) which is at a 45 degree angle. One camera shoots THROUGH the mirror, while the other shoots at the reflection.

Overhead view of the Macrobox

Overhead view of the Macrobox

Side view of the Macrobox

Side view of the Macrobox

The original box needed to be modified to accommodate the motor-driven Hasselblads, which are taller. I shoot with the 120mm Makro lens, and up to 2 extensions of 56mm each. Most of the bee shots are shot with 1 extension. The cat shots are with no extensions. My target stereobase for the cats is 1.6cm and for the bees is 8mm.

In the sideview picture you can see the beamsplitter on the left side of the rig. If you look carefully at the mirror, you can see both cameras.

The cameras are individually mounted on sliders so they can be slid into position. Additionally, the Macrobox is normally mounted on a heavy-duty Velbon macro slider, to help with making fine adjustments to the positioning.

F32 and BEE There!

F32 and BEE There!

F32 and BEE There!

This is one of the first rolls I got back after setting up some ‘real world’ shots with my new macrobox. I’m thrilled with the results. I love the shadow cast on the flower by the bee, and the shadow of the leg is a bonus. Flashes were on either side of the bee; one more to the side, the other more from above. Black velvet draped behind. And a single strand of web in the back has caught a grain of pollen. It’s a minor distraction but if I’d noticed it at the time I would have removed it.