Top MF Cameras Stereo Mounting MF Viewer Rolleidoscop Digital Twins Stereo Help Stereo Methods TDC Stereo Vivid NSA 2004
I have included file sizes in the image links.
Please take a moment to check these sizes before you begin downloading images
for viewing. Several of the JPS files are very large and will be painful
to download over a modem link.
The images are presented in cross-eye
and anaglyph format. If you prefer a different format or size, please give
the Stereoscope applet a try.

I strive for browser independence. Please let me know if you
experience problems with these pages.

Many of these pages use a Java Stereoscope applet by
Andreas Petersik. It made a Java convert out of me and I highly recommend
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"How can I get a TL120-1?", I hear you ask. There are several
options available. I'm in USA, so if you live elsewhere, there may be
other options available to you.
I bought my first camera in August of 2006. I purchased direct from 3D
World in China as there were not yet any North American distributors.
My communications with 3D World were by e-mail (which was very prompt,
professional, informative and in English), payment was by inter-bank transfer,
and delivery was by air mail.
I bought my second camera in December of 2007 from George Themelis (aka DrT).
Again, my communication was by e-mail, but payment was by pay-pal, and delivery
was by US Mail (as we are both in the United States).
The camera is also available from
I haven't purchased from them, but know others who have.
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