Golden Canyon

scan001049Golden Canyon is located on the central east side of Death Valley.   My first shot (provia 100f with a Rolleidoscop 100th f11/16) is looking back from Golden Canyon at the mountains on the west side of the Valley. There are many good hikes with wonderful opportunities for stereo photography in Death Valley but you need to be in the right place at the right time for the right light. I will go back again to spend more time as I found 3 days was not enoughscan001050 to get the lay of the land (and light) for all the locations. It helps to have a 4 wheel drive as well (we didn’t this time but will next) as many of the great locations to shoot are only accessible on bad roads.

I went a little farther along the hike into Golden Canyon for another shot (provia 100f Rolleidoscope 100th f16). You could spend days walking all the small side trails that take off in all directions in there. Like I said, I will go back to spend more time shooting and getting to more locations with a 4WD.

The Devils Golf Course

scan001048Again in Death Valley. The Devils Golf course is part of an old dry lake bed where the elements have heaved up the soil into hard hollow mounds. The white looks like snow but it’s salt from the ancient salt lake. It’s very difficult to walk on and the salt crystals are sharp so you don’t want to trip and fall! My shadow is there on purpose, to give some idea of the size of the mounds.
Provia 100F with a Rolleidoscop 1/100 at f/16

Sand Dunes at Death Valley

scan001047I shot this between sand storms at the sand dunes in central Death Valley last January. The wind had been up for most of the day but settled late in the afternoon for a short time so I managed to get a few shots off before the sand started blowing again. As soon as the wind came up again I had to cram the Rollei into my jacket and walk the 1/2 mile back to the car through blowing sand. If you’ve never been to Death Valley I highly recomend it. It was much more interesting and photogenic than I had imagined and I plan to go back to do more shooting. But avoid the summer as it can get well over 120F out there! It was around 70F while we were there in January.
Provia 100F shot with my Rolleidoscop 100th f16