Golden Canyon

scan001049Golden Canyon is located on the central east side of Death Valley.   My first shot (provia 100f with a Rolleidoscop 100th f11/16) is looking back from Golden Canyon at the mountains on the west side of the Valley. There are many good hikes with wonderful opportunities for stereo photography in Death Valley but you need to be in the right place at the right time for the right light. I will go back again to spend more time as I found 3 days was not enoughscan001050 to get the lay of the land (and light) for all the locations. It helps to have a 4 wheel drive as well (we didn’t this time but will next) as many of the great locations to shoot are only accessible on bad roads.

I went a little farther along the hike into Golden Canyon for another shot (provia 100f Rolleidoscope 100th f16). You could spend days walking all the small side trails that take off in all directions in there. Like I said, I will go back to spend more time shooting and getting to more locations with a 4WD.