Bazaans MF A0204 (glamour challenged)


With this image, we are trying to convey the model’s struggles trying to stay afloat in an ocean of popular media glamour imagery, which features predominantly thin women.  Bazaans has a “Rubenesque” figure, so her self-image is constantly challenged as being inadequate.  What is she doing there?  Is she vomiting some of the published pop glamour imagery?  I need your help: let me know if you can figure out what it all means.

This was shot in studio with strobes, I think with my “old” Sputnik.

Selene MF D0514 (glamour challenged)



I’m not sure what to title this shot.  I’m not sure what exactly I’m doing with this composition or concept. About five years ago, a vague creative idea started to form in my mind, that intended to be a “challenge” to glamour imagery in general.  The idea was to create nominally pinup, or nude, or glamour type imagery, but to embed into the image something that was disturbing.  It might be an an odd or disturbing detail that would upend an otherwise tranquil scene, an “easter egg” that would only be discovered if you explored the image relatively carefully and closely.  Or it might be an image that more directly challenges the conventions of glamour photography, or that shows in some other way the “truth” behind a model’s reality, which might be quite the opposite of what the picture superficially conveys.   This project is naturally self-referential and introspective, as it examines my own critical thoughts on the nature of nude or erotic image making, what it means for the artist, the model(s), or even the audience… and by taking that examination directly to the audience, I hope to challenge the audience to examine itself.

So this picture of Selene is one of several attempts I’ve made over the past few years at creating a “glamour challenged” or “challenged glamour” type of image – I’m still finding my way in this project, and can’t say that I feel any of the resulting images so far are particularly successful.  I am still dissatisfied with them.

The day began with Selene and I looking for some pretty, natural spot in which to shoot, and after some hours, we ended up at this river not too far from the roadside. We set up and shot numerous standard or ordinary nude and semi-nude images of her posing among the rocks in this little river.  She knew that in the end I’d be asking her to be getting into the water, but by the time that moment came, she was reluctant – she’d already noticed how cold the water was, after having put her foot into it several times.  But she was a champ, and finally took the plunge.  She gave quite a shout upon first entering the water, but then concentrated on giving me some poses.  I had wanted her to look  both “attractive” but somehow in trouble, distressed or drowning (?) in this river – and I thought she came up with some passable looks.  I think we were both surprised by how she hardly needed to act looking uncomfortable, or indeed of distressed.  As we quickly learned the water was indeed brutally cold, and after only thirty seconds to a minute, she needed to come out.  I wrapped her in blankets, shivering violently, and it took her probably twenty minutes to recover from this seemingly innocuous dip in the water.

Ava B 202

Date: July 2012

taken with the Sputnik on loan from Chuck Holzner on Fuji Astia RAP100F, 1/25 sec., f22. This is the original slide.

Here we have my new model Ava reclining amongst some rocks in the James River at Lynchburg, VA. All summer I had wanted to find a nice spot for photographing a nude in water. This place wasn’t quite what I’d hoped for, but sometimes you just have to play the cards you are dealt. The remainder of the summer was taken up with NSA prep (thanks to Chuck for helping me mount MF3d for a month!), and thereafter a trip to Germany. Water pictures must now wait another year. Pray that the film processing remains available through 2013!

“Old Shed” : M F 302

Date: June 2012


taken with the Sputnik on loan from Chuck Holzner on Fuji Astia RAP100F, 1/10 sec., f22. This is the original slide.


The slide mount is mis-titled “Old Shed.” But that’s okay… makes it a rarity (LOL, as if other MF3d slides weren’t already). Here we have my beloved posing on a granite outdoor dining set sculpted by Japanese sculptor Turo Oba. We were visiting a friend’s country estate. Believe it or not, she’s three months pregnant in this picture. We are expecting a child in December!

Maia C 105

Date: May 2012


Available light exposure of 1 second on FUJI Astia RAP100F film, at f22, with a modified TL120 (65mm lenses) on loan from John Thurston. This is the original slide.


Chuck Holzner was also along on this expedition with a model, whom we took hiking in St. Mary’s Wilderness, just south of Afton, VA via the Blue Ridge Parkway. We ended up hiking down a trail about two miles before finding a pretty spot with a waterfall. This shot was taken along the way, when we spied some impressive looking boulders. We tried to get this done early enough in the year to avoid full foliage (looking for dappled sunlight), and also lots of other hikers. We mostly succeeded. There was still some sun in places, and only one couple of hikers disturbed us briefly, while we were working. Chuck nearly had a heart attack climbing out of the valley, it was so steep.

Maia B 15

My version of a Christmas image?  Well, making it did involve the use of a string of Christmas tree lights. maia_B_15_MFT72_ Maia is a bit soft because she’s just trying to sit still for 30 seconds, while I pull the pile of lights out of her lap.

Fuji Astia, f22, about 30 seconds exposure, tungsten lights, using twin Mamiya 6 w/ 75mm lenses, 3.6″ stereo separation.  Distance to subject about six feet.   Original slide.