Alpine Lakes Wilderness

AlpineLakesWildernessTaken on a backpacking trip to the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, also known as the Enchantment Lakes, or just The Enchantments. I think that’s Lake Leprechuan on the right. My first major outing with my Don Lopp-modified Sputnik. When the larch are turning golden it’s one of the most breathtakingly beautiful spots I’ve ever visited.

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Goat in the Enchantments

Mountian goat in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington State

My wife Mandy and I did a backpacking trip into the area of the Alpine Lakes Wilderess known as The Enchantments. High winds prevented my photography until this day. Mountain goats were around our tent when I returned from exploring. Shot with a Sputnik modified by Don Lopp.
This shot has been in another folio so you may have seen it before.