What’re YOU Lookin’ At?

Goat in the Enchantments

Mountian goat in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington State

My wife Mandy and I did a backpacking trip into the area of the Alpine Lakes Wilderess known as The Enchantments. High winds prevented my photography until this day. Mountain goats were around our tent when I returned from exploring. Shot with a Sputnik modified by Don Lopp.
This shot has been in another folio so you may have seen it before.

Above Lake Viviane

Golden larch in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington

Golden larch in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington

Mandy and I went on a backpacking trip into the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in September 2007. Permit required, hard hiking, heavy pack, uncooperative weather. The whole point for me was photography, and by 3 days in I had taken 1 stereo pair in 35mm. Winds died down some on the 4th day and I went nuts with the picture taking. This area is known for its pristine lakes, granite peaks, and larch turning gold in the fall. It’s a stunningly beautiful place.

This was taken with my Sputnik, tuned up by Don Lopp. Thank you, Don! Please forgive any mounting errors — the focal lengths of the lenses are a little mismatched.