White Spiders on Golden Blossoms

White Spiders On Golden Blossoms

Fireworks on Lake Union in Seattle

How about some fireworks to celebrate the arrival of Jet Weston Co? Congratulations to Boris and Michele.

This was captured on US Independence Day 2013 from the roof of a condo overlooking Seattle’s Lake Union. I had the roof to myself and was able to space my cameras 40 feet apart. On a previous attempt I had spaced the cameras 20 feet apart based on calculations from a Don Lopp formula. But when Don saw the images he told me that since there was nothing behind the fireworks I could go double on the distance. As usual, things go well when I listen to Don.

The cameras were 2 Hasselblad 500Cs with 150mm lenses. Film is Provia 100F. Aperture at f16 and I would count off about 8 seconds from when the fireworks started popping.

Welcome Jet Weston Co! Mazeltov!