Many acronyms have been created for the letters in “Ford”. Most of them are unflattering. I’m a big Ford fan, so I’ve created a positive acronym for F.O.R.D. – “Forgotten Old Relic Discovered”. This old Ford is resting peacefully by the side of the road in Crawfordville, Florida. I bought some infrared filters for my TL-120 and shot a few rolls of Kodak Aerochrome on that trip. This is one of the results. This particular strain of Aerochrome can be (and was) processed in E6 chemistry. The film is rated at 400, and I took exposure readings through the TL-120’s meter. The metering lens also had an infrared filter on it. I much prefer to photograph old wrecks and decaying cars over restored vintage vehicles (even though I do appreciate restored vintage vehicles). It’s been said many times, but if only these old rust-buckets could talk!
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