Liz 303

Fuji RAP 100F, f22, 1/2sec exposure, studio flash and some ambient light, using twin Hasselblads with 80mm lenses, 4.5″ stereo separation.  Original slide.

Liz was a wonderful model that I worked with in 2005.  Aside being a beauty, she was really smart, funny, and very creative.  She had visited the studio several times for the purpose of artmaking, and had each time remarked how much she loved this transparent vinyl chair that I had.  Well, one day I took her up on this, and asked her to show me how much she loved the chair.  I told her the chair had worked up the nerve to get naked with her.  Thus we produced some interesting images.  After making love to the chair via some traditional positions, I suggested the chair might enjoy receiving oral satisfaction from her.  She seemed game for anything.  Liz was a big flirt, and I had to control myself carefully…