Biertan Fortified Church

Last year Liz and I decided to take part in Chris Marquardt’s Eastern Europe Electric Photo Road Trip. This was a combined guided tour, and photo workshop. We went from Transylvania, to Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Dresden and ended up in Berlin.

This is a view from outside the defensive walls of the Biertan Fortified church in Transylvania, Romania. These churches were fortified in response to the Ottoman army in the area at the time.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Kodak E-100.

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

After the photo trip was done Liz and I stayed on in Berlin so we could visit where her mother grew up.

This is Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. The building in the cneter was built by Kaiser Wilhelm II in the late 19th century, and named in honor of his grandfather Kaiser Wilhelm I. This church was heavily damaged during an Allied bombing raid in WWII. Today it is a memorial hall, and contains a Cross of Nails made from the roof timber nails of Conventry Cathedral in the UK . The building on the left is the new church built after the war.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Kodak E-100.

Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul

Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul

Last year was our 25th wedding anniversary. Those of you who were in the original MF3D Folio II might remember my honeymoon stereos from Ireland. For this trip we went to Trenton, NJ, where my brother-in-law (who married us) is currently a Bishop of the Episcopal church, so Liz could play the pipe organ there. And then it was on to Philadelphia.

This Roman Catholic cathedral was opposite our hotel in Philadelphia. We hadn’t really thought to try and get in see the organ here. We did see the Wanamaker Organ, but I didn’t think I could get a good exposure without a tripod.

My slides in this loop show a walk on a nice day in Philadelphia to City Hall.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Fujifilm Provia 100F.

Swann Memorial Fountain

Swann Memorial Fountain
Swann Memorial Fountain

This is Swann Memorial Fountain in Philadelphia. Several of Philadelphia’s museums are located around this square.

This scan shows the least intrusive vignetting I had from my lens shades on this trip. Luckily the 6×4.5 mounts allow me to crop it out in this case.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Fujifilm Provia 100F.

Love Park

Love Park
Love Park

This is Love Park in Philadelphila. The statue in the foreground is very similar to ones I’m more familiar with seeing back home in New York. The traditional Philadelphia Love statue can just barely be seen on the other side of the fountain. It faces the wrong direction to get City Hall in the background.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Fujifilm Provia 100F.

Red Window

Red Window

Red Window


Not being one for shopping I wandered off the main throughfare to see what might be more interesting. Luckily we had spectacular weather, which lead to some very nice color contrasts.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Fujifilm Provia 100F.

Unlike most of my mounted slides, I accidently labeled this one on the front side as seen from a viewer.

Concorde G-BOAD

Concorde G-BOAD

Concorde G-BOAD


This is an Aerospatiale/BAC Concorde on Pier 86 next to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City.

The Concorde was a supersonic airliner that was operated by British Airways and Air France from 1976 through 2003. This particular aircraft (G-BOAD) holds the world record for a transatlantic flight from JFK to Heathrow. While the Intrepid museum ship and its pier were undergoing renovations a few years ago, this aircraft was on display at Floyd Bennett Field Gateway National Recreation Area in Brooklyn.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Kodak E100G.





This is a Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21PFM on the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City.

The MiG-21 is a fighter interceptor designed and built in the Soviet Union. Having entered service in 1959, it is still serving in many countries.

This particular aircraft comes from the Polish Air Force, and although depicted in camoflage in this photo, is now in a high visibility scheme used during a NATO Tiger Meet competition.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Kodak E100G.

F-8K Crusader

F-8K Crusader

F-8K Crusader


This is a Vought F-8K Crusader on the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City.

The F-8 Crusader was an air superiority fighter that served the US Navy from the late 1950s through the mid 1980s. A unique feature of the Crusader was its variable incidence wing. Rather than have a very nose high attitude during take off and landing the Crusader’s wing would be tilted up. You can see this where this aircraft’s squadron name (Sundowners VF-111) is painted on at the front of the wing. During normal flight this would be retracted flush with the fuselage.

The Crusader was also intended to be the last US Navy fighter to have a built in gun, and was therefore known as “The Last of the Gunfighters”. Two of the guns can be seen below the cockpit. Poor air-to-air performance by the Phantom II and early aircraft missles lead the US Air Force to add a gun to its version of the F-4, and the gun returned in the US Navy’s F-14 Tomcat.

A detatchment of the VF-111 Sundowners flying F-8C Crusaders served aboard the USS Intrepid for one deployment to Vietnam. Later, while flying the F-14 Tomcat, the Sundowners appeared in the movie Top Gun.

This was taken with a handheld (string monopod) Sputnik on Kodak E100G.