Michele and Jet at Blue Hole

A couple of months ago, Michele and I went hiking with Jet.  These days, about the only chance I get to shoot nudes is with her and the boy nearby.  Fortunately, he gave me about 15 minutes with which to work, because he’d fallen asleep on the way to the location.

So in that quarter of an hour I shot a roll of 120 on my lovely model, then the second roll needed to be of Jet and my lovely model, as he had awakened, and was of course hungry.  The boy is ALWAYS hungry… (at least for nursing at the breast).  Maybe next round I’ll put in some slide(s) of Michele at the Blue Hole, but for now I think Jet is the more current topic!

Sadly, I have precious few MF3d images of Jet, as I discovered while looking to put my folio entry together.  I’ve got thousands of digital images, of course, but now I must try to get some more on film!


Chuck and Jet

Where last year all you got to see were photos of Michele a couple months pregnant, here is a shot of Jet (sorry, out of focus) visiting with Chuck Holzner (of Folio II).   Jet had just started walking the week prior, and was eagerly careening around any and all available venues.

But not all is happiness in this picture.  Chuck is ailing from stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and the doctors doubt he will make it to 2014.  When I visited him here, in this photo, he was already three months into his diagnosis, and faring much better than anyone had expected.  I’m presently helping him get his photographic legacy in order, in particular his collection of MF3d Newfoundland views, a number of which he has entrusted me to mount.

At the time this picture was made, he was in good spirits, considering his plight.  Of his diagnosis and prospects, he said, “I haven’t had so much excitement in my life, in a long time!”  He went on a big road trip with his two sons (hunting in Wyoming), and has been travelling to see family and pay last respects.

This view got mounted a bit “far,” with infinity points too far apart, and even the very near foreground behind the stereo window. Not sure what happened there, but it was not my intent. Been rushed lately, which hasn’t helped.