I was juggling the Heidoscop, and a couple of digital rigs hoping to get a set of digital->film comparison slides printed up for this loop. Hopefully the digital slides will catch up with the folio before the next stop is over.
In order to reduce the severe headaches I’ve been getting during mounting, I’m experimenting with keeping the edges of the chips lined up in between the two horizontal ridges in the 3D World mounts. This has been a huge help, but in this particular case, the downside was that the horizon is a little bit tilted, and there is a bit of tree branch dangling down at the top that I would have masked w/ the mount if I could have slid and rotated the chips a little bit.
According to the 3D World mounting jig, the vertical alignment is either perfect, or off by a bit, depending on which side of the slide is up in the jig. I suspect this means the lines on the jig are off by a hair. Please let me know what you think.
I haven’t been able to do much shooting the past two years, but I hope to make up for lost time on the next loop. Thanks for your patience, and for sharing some amazing images.