I had my TL-120 down at Toronto’s waterfront and I was attracted by the myriad of shapes, textures and colours (or colors, if you happen to reside in The States) that were migrating towards the shoreline.  I kept a tight composition with the intent of creating a sort of in-camera collage.  I wanted to fill the frame with as many of the various and sundry debris as I could, illustrating the contrast between man-made and natural debris, without necessarily establishing an indication of their location.  This was shot on Velvia 100 using the TL-120’s built-in meter.


  I used to travel to Upstate New York quite frequently.  My friend Erich Hadfield has over 250,000 78 rpm records piled up in two barns about 20 minutes apart there.  After I purchased my TL-120 I started taking it on my record buying trips instead of my Realist.  This photograph is one of a series of shots of an old abandoned boarded-up school house.  On the side of it is a large pentagram-type star.  I was drawn to this school house because of all of the history, memories and stories it contains.  I tried to imagine what this place was like when it was operative and thriving.  I like the depth between the viewer and the school house, but I’m not crazy about the soft foreground grass.  I’m considering re-mounting this one in a cardboard landscape mount (if I can get my hands on one) and masking out as much of the soft-focus grass as I can.  I shot this on Ilford Pan F Plus, and it was processed by dr5.  I shot the roll at whatever ASA his site suggests for this film.


We used to live in an old Victorian house in downtown Toronto.  Access to the garages was via an alley, and that’s where I found the door in this photograph.  The door served as an entrance to someone’s garden, and I was drawn to the textures of the weathered wood, tarnished metal, and peeling layers of paint.  This might’ve been one of the first shots I took with my TL-120, or it might’ve been shot with my Sputnik – I’m not too sure.  What I do know is that around this time my local lab stopped processing AGFA Scala, and I wanted to determine where I should send my Scala rolls in the future.  I shot a few rolls and sent a couple to dr5, and a couple to Mainphoto.  This is one of the shots from a Mainphoto roll.  Washed out, not a lot of contrast.  I think it has a vintage aged look to match the textures on the door.  It would have been a very different shot had dr5 processed it.  Not necessarily better, but different.

Bowlus Joshua Park

Another show with my 1935 Bowlus Road Chief on our recent trip from Toronto to California and back.  Loved this area of Joshua Tree National Park near Palm Springs.  I did alot of climbing over the rock for different angles.  Sorry the rock is slightly out of focus.  I shot f22 but I guess not enough DOF.  I was shoting most mono (sorry).  For those that are intrigued by my trailer fascination check my Bowlus pages for some other mono (sorry) pics of the trip.

3D World f22 at 1/60 Tripod Provia F

New York Parade

I was hanging out the window of my hotel for this shot.  It was a St. Patrick day parade staging grounds.  Lot of action, a complex image that I feel is stereo photograpy’s strength.  Somehow this image reminds me of Paul Shay’s photographs, on one hand it is clearly street photography but the subject somehow seemed staged, sort of like Jeff Wall’s photography.

3D World Provia handheld (which is rare for me)… I was worried I was going to drop the camera on someone.

Ships of the Desert

My travel trailer called a Bowlus Road Chief was built in 1935 and the house called “Ship
of the Desert” was built in 1936, both of the Streamline Moderne movement.  I set up this shoot early in the morning but didn’t get out the 3D camera until the sun came up.  For those interested in the weird trailer you can find information at my site www.openthinkinc.com/bowlus

Using my 3DWorld probably f16 at 1/125 Provia F