Paul Gillis’ slides for d23

Well, it’s been about 9 months since I last had the dragon box in my grubby little hands.  I wish I’d taken more MF3D images in that time, but I guess it’s good that I at least got a few.  All four of these were taken with my TL-120 on Provia 100F, using a tripod.

Conundrum Between Trees

This is the same sculpture that I included in my previous entry (here).  I took it on a later visit, and from much further back, so that it is framed by two sturdy trees.  I think I like this shot better.

Here, Have Some Snips

This sculpture is just a stone’s throw from the one above; but in an artistic sense they could hardly be farther apart.  I still don’t know the name of either work, nor of the sculptors.  I shot this very late in the day.  The low light level was no problem, shooting from a tripod (2 sec. at f/11, I think) but it did result in some lights in the background coming out distractingly bright.

Dark Star Park (Arlington, Virginia)

Finally, some sculpture that I know something about!  This little park (larger than what I show here) is actually very close to the US Marine Corps War Memorial (the Iwo Jima sculpture).  Another case of the abstract adjacent to the extremely realistic.

This park & all its sculptural elements were designed by Nancy Holt & built in 1984, commissioned by Arlington County.  The Wikipedia article about her goes into some depth about it.  I definitely want to go back & photograph the park from other angles.  The biggest challenge I had was that from most viewpoints the background was in full sun, while the sculptures were in shade.

Broken Outflow Pipe

Maybe another inadvertent kind of sculpture?  Obviously not a very colorful subject, but I was drawn to the 3-dimensional complexity.  Another long exposure as the day was waning.