Stereo Images From Juneau

Please read the fine print at the bottom of this page before reproducing or reusing the information and images here.


MF Cameras
Stereo Mounting
MF Viewer
Digital Twins
Stereo Help
Stereo Methods
TDC Stereo Vivid
NSA 2004


I have included file sizes in the image links.  Please take a moment to check these sizes before you begin downloading images for viewing.  Several of the JPS files are very large and will be painful to download over a modem link.

The images are presented in cross-eye and anaglyph format.  If you prefer a different format or size, please give the Stereoscope applet a try.

Viewable with any browser
I strive for browser independence.  Please let me know if you experience problems with these pages.  


Java Stereo Viewer

Many of these pages use a Java Stereoscope applet by
Andreas Petersik
. It made a Java convert out of me and I highly recommend it.

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Lens Spacing and Film Path

One of the features that sets the Vivid apart from the other Realist format cameras is its lens spacing.  FilmPath.JPG (63319 bytes)The Vivid's lenses are spaced at 65mm while the Realist's lenses are spaced at 70mm.  This gives the Vivid the distinction of having the narrowest lens spacing of any production 5P format camera.  This 65mm spacing would be impossible with the standard "straight across" film path of most cameras since 65mm is not divided evenly by the film perforation spacing.

ThisInstructions.JPG (103061 bytes) difficulty was surmounted by creating a curved film path between the lenses with an extra roller.  This allowed there to be 70mm of film traveling between the two lenses which were 65mm apart.  This extra roller makes the Vivid a little trickier to load than some cameras, but the loading instructions are printed on the bottom of the camera for ready reference.

[ Film Path ] Viewfinder ] Camera Controls ] Front Panel ] Inside ] Comets ]

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