Diablo Lake, North Cascades National Park, Washington

This was taken at one of my favorite campsites in all of Washington. It’s by far, one of the prettiest and most secluded sites on Diablo Lake. It features a lookout, swimming hole, a bear box, and even an outhouse! Not to mention access to the serenity of the lake and it’s wonderful turquoise glacier fed water. Now, this shot could easily have NOT been taken near any lake, since you can’t see any water. However, it was one of my favorite shots on this roll of film, and was taken spontaneously. The lighting was amazing, and definitely inspired me to take a shot. Diablo Lake campsites are on a ‘lottery reservation’ system through the National Park service and reservations are especially needed for this spot on the lake. The North Cascades are wonderful to visit, and I highly recommend coming here if you are ever in Washington. My personal critique would be, maybe get a little closer, and show some of the lake! Other than that, it was a moment of time that I was happy to capture, especially in 3D!

Shot also on my 3D World Tl-120 camera, with Fuji Provia 100f film.

Alipore District, Kolkata, India

Kolkata is a very interesting city in India to visit. It doesn’t even remotely feel like Delhi, or even Mumbai for that matter. In fact, it feels like a whole different country comparatively. Being a colonial capitol at one point, it has a different ‘air’ to it. But it still has it’s alleyways, busy shopping and dealers districts. This picture was taken in an area that was very close to the house that Mother Teresa had founded to help the sick and the poor in India. We may have even visited her grave the same day that this shot was taken. I would love to go back and photograph these areas again with their endless streams of people going about their daily lives. This was one of those shots where I looked down an alleyway and had to get a shot of it. There are endless photo ops in India, but the alleyways are especially nice in 3D in my opinion. Shot with my Sputnik on Fuji Provia 100F film.

Pak Ou Caves, Pak Ou, Laos

The Pak Ou Caves are located along the Mekong River near the town of Pak Ou in Laos. We visited this area near Luang Prabang, with Luang Prabang being one of my favorite places I have ever visited in Southeast Asia. The cave itself wasn’t very big, and the fact that it was filled with tiny Buddhist statues from many worshipers over many years made it seem even smaller. Luckily there was enough light that was coming in from the entrance to get this shot. What makes this one of my favorite shots I took of this location, was that you could see the smoke rising from the incense and the tiny fire in the lower part of the frame. My Sputnik failed me a little in this picture however, in the fact that it was sharper on the foreground in the right image, and sharper in the background in the left image. The image still works for me as 3D, but it may not work for everyone. This was taken with my first Sputnik, and before any real adjustments were ever made on it. Shot on Fuji Provia 100F film.

Sigiriya Rock Temple, Sri Lanka

Sigiriya meaning ‘Lion Rock’ is a giant rock structure that is surrounded by jungle in the middle of Sri Lanka. It’s like nowhere else that I’ve been and something out of an Indiana Jones movie. We stayed in a tiny hostel which was so close to Sigiriya that you could see it from our hostel room and within walking distance to the entrance. Luckily we were told that the place opened at 8am by our hostel hosts, which was not what our guidebook had said. The book said that it opened at 9am, and the place was FULL by 10am with busloads of tourists. We were literally the first people to walk in and what an amazing experience it was! There are two Sigiriyas, people called them Little Sigiriya and Big Sigiriya. The big one is what you see in the distance (standing at over 600 feet high) while we were standing on top of little Sigiriya. What was great about little Sigiriya was the fact that it was a jungle hike to get there and much cheaper to visit. If you ever go there, I highly recommend visiting both since they both offer different and amazing experiences in their own right. The structures located on top of big Sigiriya are the foundations of former fortresses and the home of the king of the region, named King Kashyapa who reined in the mid 5th Century. After his death it became a Buddhist monastery until the 14th Century. It’s now a UNESCO World Heritage site and hopefully well protected for many more years to come. These Rhesus monkeys you see here were a little out of focus, I must have been too close to them, or didn’t stop down my aperture enough to get them all sharp. Either way, I still like the shot and hope you do as well. Shot on my Sputnik on Fuji Provia 100F film.

Borobudur Temple, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Located in Central Java, Indonesia, it’s a wonderful place to visit. Before heading to Indonesia, I wanted to make sure to put this on my list of places to visit. It’s an incredible temple with layers and layers (like a layered cake) representing the different stages of enlightenment to reach a final state of Nirvana. It was built originally in the mid-8th Century to 9th Century AD. Once it was abandoned and then ‘rediscovered’ by a British Colonist who then hired a Dutch engineer to excavate and rebuild the structure. It took his team over 4 years to rebuild, however volcanic eruptions, erosion, and even terrorists have beat the structure down throughout the years. Luckily, with the help of UNESCO and tourism, it has been restored to as close to what they think it was like in it’s original state as possible. We visited it in a different way at first, in fact it was from a distance that I got a shot of it in the early morning pre-dawn light. The visit consisted of a hike and motorbike ride to an adjacent hillside. We later went back down the valley and into the entrance the same day. Made for a long day for sure! This shot is of a bas relief, one of over 2,600, that covers the structure. A must see if you’re ever in Java! Shot with my Sputnik on Fuji Provia 100F film.

Domkhar Festival, Bumthang, Bhutan

The Domkhar festival is a wonderful experience. Before we left on our trip, we planned our trip around two festivals. Typically most occur in the Spring and Fall in Bhutan, this was in the Springtime. If you do plan on going to Bhutan during those times of year, your travel agent and/or guide will almost certainly schedule in a festival or two for you to see. The area of Bumthang was the furthest east that we travelled in Bhutan, and it’s an area that I would highly recommend. The festival lasts for about 3 days, and we visited on it’s first day. The festival is dedicated to the birth anniversary of Guru Rinpoche, the second Buddha, or more importantly the father of Buddhism in Bhutan. Monks dress as animals and other characters, and display themselves in lavish costumes. They dance in a mesmerizing choreography. We did manage to get a chance to explore the village of Domkhar as well, which felt like you were entering into a time warp going back about 2 centuries. All in all, it was an awesome experience and not your everyday trip to the beach! Shot this with my Sputnik on Fuji Provia 100f film.

Punakha Dzong, Punakha, Bhutan

As we walked over the main bridge to the Dzong, a small crowd of monks were walking up a path towards us. Knowing full well that this was a good opportunity to capture them, I ran ahead of my group, as the lighting was nice and dramatic.  Happily, I managed to snap a couple shots off before they walked past. What’s great about Bhutan is the sheer beauty and photo-ops at every corner. Unfortunately, you must be accompanied during your entire stay in Bhutan, government rules. Luckily however, it’s a great way to see the country since your guide and driver are always at your beck and call, are extremely knowledgable, and are always striving for you to have a great experience no matter what. If you see a photo op on the side of the road, they will gladly stop! We had them stop actually quite often. We are not used to being ‘pampered’ on our trips, and in fact we are usually quite uncomfortable and ‘unguided’ most of the time, since we tend to travel on a budget. However, Bhutan was an exception for us and since we had no choice but to have a guide, we embraced it with loving arms! If you’re even remotely interested in visiting Bhutan, please message me and I will gladly give you all the details. Shot on my Sputnik, with Fuji Provia 100F film.

Punakha Dzong Entrance, Punakha, Bhutan

The Punhaka Dzong is the second oldest and the second largest Dzong in Bhutan, and arguably the most impressive. It’s surrounded by a converging river, which adds to it’s splendor. Dzongs used to be fortresses during wartime, but now are used for government offices and a religious monastery. My favorite view of the Dzong is from the bridge leading over the river to the main entrance. This was a more crowded part of Bhutan, mainly because it was closer to the west side of the country, where most tourists tend to gravitate to. This Dzong was by no means, an exception. Due to this, I had to ‘nudge and dodge’ my way over to the railing to get the shot. This was taken with my Sputnik, on Provia 100F film.

Chendebji Chorten, Trongsa, Bhutan

There are a plethora of temples and monasteries in Bhutan, but this Chorten is unusual, even for Bhutan. Dedicated to protect Bhutan’s people from evil spirits, it was built along the same framework as the Bouddhanath Stupa in Nepal. When we arrived, we were alone except for one lone woman who was walking the grounds, praying. We slowly took our time crossing the field, while I tried to get the perfect shot of the Chorten with the full 3D effect. Luckily, the woman decided to make her way over to us, and I got this shot. Unfortunately my Sputnik wasn’t performing well on this trip and was mostly due to my left lens being out of focus. However, this shot was acceptable to me. In the background on the left, you can see our guide, making his prayer rounds at another nearby smaller temple. Shot this on Fuji Provia 100F film.

Yangshuo, Guilin, Guangxi Province, China 2018

They say that ‘Guilin is the best scenery in Guangxi, and the best of Guilin is Yangshuo.’ There is no doubt that Yangshuo is a beautiful location in the world with it’s limestone Karst mountains and gorgeous waterways. I would highly recommend a visit. An added bonus is it’s little walkways and side streets such as this one at night. Mostly catered to tourists ( as most of this area is, for good reason), it’s an interesting area to visit. I enjoyed being able to safely take night shots throughout the town, and this shot being one of my favorites. Shot with my Sputnik MF3D camera on Fujifilm Provia 100f film.

Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China 2018

Here’s another shot of Lijiang at night, of the famous waterwheels located in the south entrance of town. The water wheels were supposedly built roughly 800 years ago, around the time of the town’s origin. I wanted to capture the wheels in motion, so a nightshot it was to be! I enjoyed Lijiang immensely, despite the amount of tourists at any given time. The town has so much to see that it’s no wonder that it was so popular. Not to mention that I was there in the perfect time frame for weather. Shot on my Sputnik MF3D camera and shot on Fujifilm Provia 100f fim.

Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China 2018

Lijiang is a beautiful city located in the Yunnan province of southwest China. A town full of cobblestones, old houses converted into hotels and storefronts, waterways and bridges galore. It’s no wonder that this town was overrun by tourists, mostly from China, and filled the streets day and night. I wanted to capture it’s beauty and it’s craziness at the same time. I figured a long exposure night shot would do the trick. This was shot with my Sputnik MF3D camera with Fujifilm Provia 100f film.

Shangri La, Sichuan Province, China 2018

Shangri La is located near the province of Tibet in southwest China, in the Sichuan province. Not many tourists seemed to be there, despite the amount of local tourists in other parts of China. Maybe it was because there wasn’t much to see in the town except one of the largest prayer wheels in the world and a spectacular night time lighting of the local monastery. The town had been devastated by a large fire, destroying most of the original buildings only years prior to my visit.  Needless to say, we did not stay in Shangri La very long, only 2 nights, before heading south to the more interesting provinces of Yunnan and Guangxi. Shot on my Sputnik MF3D camera with Fujifilm Provia 100f film.

Ape Caves, Mt. St. Helens, Washington

The Ape Cave is a lava

tube created about 3,000 years ago. It heads south from Mt. St. Helens volcano, stretching for about a mile and a half, narrowing and expanding into a long stretch of total darkness.

My girlfriend and a couple of friends hiked over the top of the tube to the northern entrance of the cave. By doing so, we would be able to walk through the lava tube more or less downhill, to make things a little easier. It takes a bit of time to navigate the tube due to it’s loose rocks and uneven ground. In some spots, you needed to ‘drop down’ a few feet to a lower section of the tube to continue on. This is not a place for people who are claustrophobic or those who are afraid of the dark.

It’s pitch black down there, and very good headlamps are needed to avoid any injuries. For me, this was my second time through the cave and knowing how dark it was, I brought along a pair of Profoto B1 500 watt lights to help fill the space with light.

One of the lights can be seen at the far end of the cave in the photo. This was a mistake mind you, but one that I let slide for the sake of correct exposure, composition, etc. This was taken with my Sputnik on Fujifilm Provia 100f, using a Profoto Air Remote as a trigger. I had also brought along my digital Canon 5D Mk III, but no 3D was taken with it.

If you do happen to find yourself in the vicinity of Mt. St. Helens, have a good set of knees and a decent headlamp, then I would recommend a visit.

There is a way to see a smaller section of the cave, without going the whole mile and a half. I believe it’s about a quarter of the cave, and well worth a look.

Palacio de Los Capitanes, Antigua, Guatemala

Guatemala is a great place to visit within Central America. We arrived here mainly to visit the Mayan ruins of Tikal as part of a 3 month trip through Central America, and we found ourselves intrigued by it’s beauty and history. No doubt, Guatemala has had it rough over the years, but it still hangs onto it’s founded traditions regardless. After visiting Lake Atitlan, we managed to go to the beautiful colonial city of Antigua. Mostly known for it’s famous Easter day parades through town, we were graced with some Christian processions starting holy week before Easter. Due to our timing we couldn’t stay for Easter in Antigua, but it was nice to be there regardless.  As we were walking through the center of town, near the square, I noticed a beam of light going down the corridor onto a woman seated and reading.

Having my Sputnik camera with me, I managed to swing and take a shot. That was an eye catching moment that I caught on camera. Hope you like it! Shot on Fuji Provia 100f film. All in all, Guatemala was one of my favorite countries in Central America to visit and to shoot in 3D!