Stereo Images From Juneau

Please read the fine print at the bottom of this page before reproducing or reusing the information and images here.


MF Cameras
Stereo Mounting
MF Viewer
Digital Twins
Stereo Help
Stereo Methods
TDC Stereo Vivid
NSA 2004


I have included file sizes in the image links.  Please take a moment to check these sizes before you begin downloading images for viewing.  Several of the JPS files are very large and will be painful to download over a modem link.

The images are presented in cross-eye and anaglyph format.  If you prefer a different format or size, please give the Stereoscope applet a try.

Viewable with any browser
I strive for browser independence.  Please let me know if you experience problems with these pages.  


Java Stereo Viewer

Many of these pages use a Java Stereoscope applet by
Andreas Petersik
. It made a Java convert out of me and I highly recommend it.

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Flat, Flat, Flat

A feature of the viewer that is easily overlooked is the highly reflective nature of its interior.  When viewing slides, Viewer interior (image by Gary Cullen) the internal reflections reduce the contrast of the image and are just plain distracting.  Fortunately there is an easy way to eliminate this problem.  

While the viewer is apart, paint the interior with Krylon Ultra-Flat black paint.  It is commonly available in the US with other spray cans or in the sporting goods section where it is sold as part of Krylon's camouflage series.  Don't forget to mask or remove the lenses and mask the exterior of the viewer.  It is also a very good idea to paint the back side of the slide mask.   

As of December, 2005, shipping version of the MFPV is silver on the outside and flat black on the inside.  I am pleased to report that if you have the newer version of this viewer you can put away your Krylon!

The slide mask is easily removed from the viewer.  If you will be using your viewer with 80x132mm cardboard mounted slides, you should consider removing the central divider from this mask.  With the divider in place, there is a mildly annoying "double window" effect introduced by virtue of conflicting aperture spacing.

OpenFrame.JPG (61487 bytes) OpenFrameFromTheBack.JPG (40479 bytes)
Trimmed slide mask from the front.  The slide mount is has 50x50mm apertures. Trimmed slide mask from the back showing the plastic carrier for 80x132mm mounts

OpenFrameOnViewer.JPG (34438 bytes)The 80x132mm cardboard mounts have their apertures spaced at 63mm.  The mask of the viewer has apertures spaced at 65mm.  This means that my film chips are not centered in the 56mm viewer apertures.  Very little light reaches this side of the mask, but it is sufficient to create a window effect that conflicts with the window on my mounted slides.

When you're done, and appropriately astonished with the improvement, it's time to move on to rigging the viewer to correctly handle your cardboard mounted slides.    Next

[ Top of Viewer Project ]
Stock Viewer ] Stock Light ] Cutting ] Recovery ] Illuminator ] Electronics ] [ Reflections ] Mount Carrier ] Complete? ]


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