Stereo Images From Juneau

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I have included file sizes in the image links.  Please take a moment to check these sizes before you begin downloading images for viewing.  Several of the JPS files are very large and will be painful to download over a modem link.

The images are presented in cross-eye and anaglyph format.  If you prefer a different format or size, please give the Stereoscope applet a try.

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Java Stereo Viewer

Many of these pages use a Java Stereoscope applet by
Andreas Petersik
. It made a Java convert out of me and I highly recommend it.

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Hand held, twin A200

On a glorious sunny day in March, I managed to spend over an hour outside with my cameras.   

This scene is down at one of our barge terminals. These containers are either waiting to be loaded on to a barge or waiting to be trucked away to a local store. All of our freight comes into town by barge or by air, so these containers are a friendly sight in Juneau.

Old age JPG Stereo Pair 186K
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Anaglyph 100K

Potable water
JPG Stereo Pair 88K
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Anaglyph 102K


Hand held, twin A200

Near the waterfront, stands the Sub Port building.  This electric meter has been hanging on the side of this building for years. It has been disconnected for years. Just recently, though, it has started to lose its grip.

A little ways further down I found a hydrant just begging to have it's picture taken.  I liked the metal surfaces of the hydrant against the almost smooth canvas and the texture of the wood.

Infrared glow JPG Stereo Pair 109K
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Anaglyph 240K

Slide board, Pro 70 

Perseverance Trail runs from downtown Juneau into a mountain valley behind town.  It follows the path of the railways, roads, and foot paths that took the miners to their gold.  Just a little way up the trail, is one of my favorite rock cuts.  There is always early plant life sprouting there, and June brings wonderful Shooting Stars to boom.

This is an infrared stereo view of that rock cut on an over-cast, rainy May day.  It was done using a Hoya RM72 filter on my tripod-mounted Canon Pro70.  The anaglyph didn't compress very well so it is very large.

To what scale? JPG Stereo Pair 166K
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Anaglyph 88K

Hand-held (cha-cha), Pro 70 

This image was made at Outer Point on Douglas Island at the end of April. Low sun angles, sharp shadow lines, crinkly textures and a lack of reference points keep bringing me back for more. It looks equally like a distant mountain, a near rock, or a computer generated image with orange foliage. It's actually a large rock with lichen growing on it.

 I'm very pleased with the results of my effort, considering that it is a hand-held cha-cha with my pro-70.  

Swinging the driver into place JPG Stereo Pair 142K
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B&W Anaglyph 80K
Beginning the drive
JPG Stereo Pair 199K
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B&W Anaglyph 125K 


Hand held, twin A200

Here are two views of the magnificent "deck over" project underway (as of January 2003) in Juneau.  The city council decided that we needed to have more space to park tour busses, so in came the heavy equipment.  The waterfront park was reduced in size and the space between the current shore and wharf is being covered over.  Time will tell if the additional parking space was worth the price paid.

On the Juneau waterfront JPG Stereo Pair 154K
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Anaglyph 150K

Small Anaglyph 60K

Hand held, twin A100

On the waterfront of Juneau are found many docks.  This was taken on the float plane dock so I can't imagine why a fishing net is piled there.  But, I liked the shapes of the net pile against the end of the breakwater, and the lines of the dock leading into it.
Thanks go to Marshal Rubin who helped me figure out why I was unsatisfied with this image.  I had my left and right images reversed.  It's all taken care of now and I'm much happier with it.

Peace over the water JPS Stereo Pair 320K
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JPS Stereo Pair 120K
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Small Anaglyph 57K

Twin, A5

The Shrine of St. Therese is located north of Juneau and is reached by by a 100 yard causeway from the mainland.  When you are there, under the trees on the shoreline, it is easy to forget that you are not on an island.  This is looking north, up Lynn Canal, where there are frequently humpback whales to be seen.  
This image was made with my twinned A5 rig, tripod mounted.  The large and small stereo pairs are actually from different exposure pairs.  Extra points are given for identifying the Station of Cross captured in this scene.

shadow texture JPG Stereo Pair 240K
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Anaglyph 157K

Twin, A5

A street scene on 5th street in Juneau.  High noon on a spring day.  With the pattern in each concrete square set at right angles to its neighbor, I find the shadow play to be interesting.  Add the sharp contrast between the grayscale background and the solid yellow foreground and I think I did pretty well.
This image was made with my twinned A5, handheld.

Hanging on, cutting off JPG Stereo Pair 135K
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Anaglyph 53K

Twin, A5

Crews adding a new section to the Juneau Steamship Warf made for interesting lunch time viewing.  After driving the piling in with a hydraulic sheet driver, they had to trim the piling top off flush to allow an impact driver to finish the job.  So a crewman with a torch was slung out in a basket to do the job.  Of course, the wind was having a fun time with the basket all the time he was trying to guide the flame around the piling.
This image was made during a pretty high tide with my twinned A5, handheld.

Other galleries from which to choose
Images of Juneau ] [ More of Juneau ] Granite Creek ] Interiors ] Out and About ] Beach Views ]


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