Stereo Images From Juneau

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The images are presented in cross-eye and anaglyph format.  If you prefer a different format or size, please give the Stereoscope applet a try.

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Java Stereo Viewer

Many of these pages use a Java Stereoscope applet by
Andreas Petersik
. It made a Java convert out of me and I highly recommend it.

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Images of Juneau ] More of Juneau ] [ Granite Creek ] Interiors ] Out and About ] Beach Views ]

Between Juneau and Canada lies an ice field.  Between Juneau and the ice field are hundreds of valleys, basins, and fjords.  My favorite is the Granite Creek basin.  It is a short four miles up from town.  

One of my frequently photographed rocks JPG Stereo Pair 198K
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Anaglyph 199K

Hand held, twin A5

Shortly after entering the Granite Creek valley, is one of my favorite rocks.  A granite boulder ha fallen from the mountain.  Then the granite boulder has cracked and dropped a section.  The cool part is the fact that the "mother rock" didn't crack farther and has retained a wonderful inside corner with three right angles.  A freshly leafing Devil's Club is growing in the foreground.  

Cotton candy water, a little depth JPG Stereo Pair 142K
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Anaglyph 116K

Tripod mounted slide bar, Pro 70

Almost up to the first basin, the creek had broken through the snow cover.  The long exposures required by the infra red filtering has resulted in the "cotton candy" water look.  Since the sun is directly behind me, the clear sky above the ridge is unable to reflect any infra red light and appears black.  The live vegetation reflects significantly more infra red than soil and rocks.  The snow, of course, is reflecting almost all of it so appears the brightest.

JPG Stereo Pair 132K
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Add  a little something for scale
JPG Stereo Pair 184K
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Anaglyph 204K
Tripod mounted slide bar, Pro 70           Hand held, twin 5

On the ridge overlooking the first basin, you can see the snow is slowly giving way.  The pond in the foreground flows out to the left and down the waterfalls pictured earlier.  The snow you see approximately represents where firm ground will exist later in the summer.  The size and extent of the pond changes with the weather and the melt rate.
Another view of the same spot, this time with my twin A5 showing the vantage point.

Vegetation shows up JPG Stereo Pair 123K
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Anaglyph 109K

Tripod mounted slide bar, Pro 70

An infra red view of the first basin.  From the shifting shadow it is obvious that this was taken later than the earlier color view.  It was taken from the hillside, just above the pond, and quite a bit lower than earlier shots.

Silver Bow bagle.  Yum Yum JPG Stereo Pair 208K
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Anaglyph 210K

Tripod mounted, twin A5 on timer

From the spot just above the pond, a self portrait.  A bagel with some cheese for supper before the mosquitoes start biting, and then back down to town.  As you can tell by my shorts, it was a warm day.

Other galleries from which to choose
Images of Juneau ] More of Juneau ] [ Granite Creek ] Interiors ] Out and About ] Beach Views ]


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The Fine Print:  Unless otherwise stated, all images presented here were created by, and are copyrighted by, John R. Thurston. You may view them, print them, tell people about them, and comment on them. You may not copy them, edit them, or use them for financial gain without permission.  
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